Interface IPptxOutput

interface IPptxOutput {
    imageRenderingDpi: number;
    orientation: "A" | "P" | "L";
    properties: IDocProperties;
    resizeType: string;
    size: "Widescreen" | "OnScreen" | "OnScreen16x9" | "OnScreen16x10";


imageRenderingDpi: number

This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 200 dpi

default=200, maximum=1000

orientation: "A" | "P" | "L"

L for landscape, P for portrait and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets landscape, the default PowerPoint orientation


properties: IDocProperties
resizeType: string

The type of resize to be performed. Autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. Widescreen, OnScreen etc.)


size: "Widescreen" | "OnScreen" | "OnScreen16x9" | "OnScreen16x10"

Size of the PowerPoint slide
