Interface IPDFOutput

interface IPDFOutput {
    align: {
        horizontal: "center" | "left" | "right";
        vertical: "top" | "bottom" | "middle";
    imageRenderingDpi: number;
    orientation: "A" | "P" | "L";
    properties: IDocProperties;
    resizeData: {};
    resizeType: "none" | "autofit" | "fit";
    size: "A1" | "A2" | "A3" | "A4" | "A5" | "A6" | "Letter" | "Legal" | "Tabloid";


align: {
    horizontal: "center" | "left" | "right";
    vertical: "top" | "bottom" | "middle";

Content alignment

Type declaration

  • horizontal: "center" | "left" | "right"


  • vertical: "top" | "bottom" | "middle"


imageRenderingDpi: number

This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 300 dpi

default=300, maximum=1000

orientation: "A" | "P" | "L"

P for portrait, L for landscape and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets the orientation depending on the content width and height proportions: if content width > height the orientation is automatically set to landscape, portrait otherwise


properties: IDocProperties
resizeData: {}

The area where the object (eg. sheet, chart) is printed. Required in case of "fit" resizeType.

Type declaration

    resizeType: "none" | "autofit" | "fit"

    The type of resize to be performed


    • none is used to export a visualization, sheet or story as is (e.g. normal size), regardless of its size. This may result in cropping.
    • autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. A4, A3 etc.). Any provided resizeData parameter will be ignored for this configuration.
    • fit fits the visualization, sheet or story into the area specified in resizeData. The content will be rescaled to fit in that area.
    size: "A1" | "A2" | "A3" | "A4" | "A5" | "A6" | "Letter" | "Legal" | "Tabloid"

    Size of the pdf page
