Interface IAutomationRunDetailResponseObject

interface IAutomationRunDetailResponseObject {
    context: "lookup" | "detail" | "test_run" | "editor" | "api_sync" | "api_async" | "webhook";
    createdAt: string;
    data: object;
    error: object;
    expectedInputs: object;
    guid: string;
    inputs: object;
    isArchived: boolean;
    isTestRun: boolean;
    scheduledStartTime: string;
    startTime: string;
    status: "failed" | "stopped" | "finished" | "running" | "finished with warnings" | "must stop" | "not started" | "starting";
    stopTime: string;
    title: string;
    updatedAt: string;


context: "lookup" | "detail" | "test_run" | "editor" | "api_sync" | "api_async" | "webhook"
createdAt: string
data: object
error: object
expectedInputs: object
guid: string
inputs: object
isArchived: boolean
isTestRun: boolean
scheduledStartTime: string
startTime: string
status: "failed" | "stopped" | "finished" | "running" | "finished with warnings" | "must stop" | "not started" | "starting"
stopTime: string
title: string
updatedAt: string