/qrs/app/object endpoints
/qrs/app endpoints
/qrs/CertificateDistribution endpoints
/qrs/compositEevent endpoints
/qrs/contentLibrary endpoints
/qrs/customBannerMessage endpoints
/qrs/customPropertyDefinition endpoints
/qrs/dataConnection endpoints
/qrs/engineService endpoints
/qrs/executionresult endpoints
/qrs/executionsession endpoints
/qrs/extension endpoints
/qrs/externalProgramTask endpoints
Instance of the underlying HTTP client that is not bound to the repository config
Instance of the underlying HTTP client that is not bound to the repository config but where port can be specified
Instance of the underlying HTTP repo client but not bound to specific repository config
Add /qrs in front of the required path
HTTP client bound to "wes" endpoints. For example /api/wes/v1/extensions/export
/qrs/license endpoints
/qrs/loadBalancing endpoints
/qrs/nodes endpoints
/qrs/notification endpoints
/qrs/odagservice endpoints
Operations related with ODAG SERVICES
For Odag requests use odagRequest endpoints!
/qrs/odagRequest endpoints
Audit privileges for an object
/qrs/proxyService endpoints
/qrs/reloadTask endpoints
Instance of the underlying HTTP client bound to the repository config
/qrs/schedulerService endpoints
/qrs/schemaevent endpoints
/qrs/selection endpoints
/qrs/serviceCluster endpoints
/qrs/serviceStatus endpoints
/qrs/sharedContent endpoints
/qrs/stream endpoints
/qrs/systemRule endpoints Note: this endpoints are service security, license and load balancing rules
/qrs/table endpoints
/qrs/tag endpoints
/qrs/task endpoints
/qrs/userDirectory endpoints
/qrs/user endpoints
/qrs/virtualProxy endpoints
/qrs/about endpoints