Interface LinkPropGenAppName



context: string
formatString: string

A string containing the base text of the name to use for the generated app and optionally any number of placeholder patterns of the form {N} where N is an integer greater than or equal to 0. The integer identifies the offset in the 'params' array of an AppNameParameter to evaluate at ODAG Request execution time to compute a fragment of the generated app's name and insert it at the same position as its corresponding %N placeholder. A string containing the base text of the name to use for the generated app and optionally any number of placeholder patterns of the form {N} where N is an integer greater than or equal to 0. The integer identifies the offset in the 'params' array of an AppNameParameter to evaluate at ODAG Request execution time to compute a fragment of the generated app's name and insert it at the same position as its corresponding %N placeholder.

params?: string[]

One of the allowed variables that, when evaluated at ODAG Request execution time, can be used to compute a part of a generated app's name. In addition to this list, the user can also supply a string of the form '$(<expr<)' where <expr< is an expression that is evaluated in the context of the selection app to produce a string.